Choral Music on the Air

Here we present a list of chorus-related programs on radio, TV and internet streams. If you know of any such programs that are not listed but are accessible to listeners in New England, please leave a comment or drop us a line!

  • Together in Song (Boston) is a WGBH (Classical New England, 99.5 FM) show hosted by Anthony Trecek-King on Sundays at 6 pm and available on the web site for streaming. Together in Song is a celebration of the art - and community - of choruses, featuring performances drawn from choirs around the world and from New England.
  • VPR Choral Hour, from Vermont Public Radio. "On Sunday mornings at 11 and Tuesday evenings at 8, Vermont singer Linda Radtke explores the range of great classical choral works, from madrigals to masses. On each program, a Vermont chorus is featured. You will hear Bella Voce, Social Band, the Handel Society, Counterpoint, the Oriana Singers and many other community groups. Vermont composers of choral music—Erik Nielsen, Gwyneth Walker, Don Jamison and others—are also highlighted."
  • VoiceBox, from KALW 91.7 FM (public radio, San Francisco Bay Area); host Chloe Veltman. Apparently no longer being produced (since end of 2014?) but shows remain available online. See also
  • "BB Radio": Boston Baroque's streaming station.


  • Sing That Thing!, a new choral competition from WGBH Boston, launched in 2015. Tapings are held in early February for the participating groups; eight groups will return in early March for a master class and further tapings, and the Finale will be taped on May 12, 2015. The series telecast premieres at 8 pm on Friday, April 17, 2015 on WGBH-2 (repeating Saturday or Sunday nights).
  • Together in Song (Springfield) is a choral competition program on WGBY, Springfield, Mass., launched in 2011 (now entering its fifth season). Studio tapings begin in January 2015, and will feature 27 choral groups. Each group has a chance to compete for their own 30-minute special to be broadcast on WGBY-TV this fall. Broadcasting premieres and voting begins March 7, 2015 at 7:30pm.


Effective Date: 
Monday, February 2, 2015